Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Celebration and December Minutes

Dawn Lemons setting up the buffet.
Donna Wesseman and Dawn Lemons

Members adding items to the buffet.
Faith Smith taking pictures. 

Members arriving for the evening.

Stevie Scaramelli, Betty Stanton, Janelle Jackson and Peggy Stocks catching up before the meeting.

Peggy Stocks showing the blocks she made for the Quilt in a Box challenge.  Also pictured, Ruth Hicks.

Faith Smith sharing her Quilt in a Box blocks.
Gift table

A special thanks to Dawn Lemons and Ruth Hicks for the wonderful work they did decorating and preparing for the evening's event.

Minutes for the December 10th meeting

The December meeting was called to order by the president, Rachel Wessels, at 6:30.    
Guests were Donna Coltrain and Laura Delafey.

The November minutes were read and approved.

Karen Hanny gave the treasurer’s report.  The guild has $1538.48 in the treasury.

Members celebrating December birthdays were Janelle Jackson, Betty Stanton, Sue Perozek, and Sue Marlett.

Old Business –
Betty Jo Pernell’s name was drawn in November to attend the quilt show at Hampton RoadsShe accepted the guild’s funding of this trip.

Stevie Scaramelli announced the nominations of the new board members for the next two years.  They are as follows:  Donna Wesseman, president; Debbie Powell, vice president; Kathy Faucette, secretary and Belinda Leach, treasurer.  Faith Smith made a motion to pass the slate of officers with Karen Hanny making the second.  Motion passed.

New Business –
A card was passed for members to sign for Georgia Darnell on the death of her mother.

Names of the participants in this year’s challenge were entered in a drawing.  Names drawn for prizes were Linda Overton and Kathy Faucette.

Following the business meeting, those in attendance enjoyed appetizers and desserts brought by members.

Program –

The evening’s program consisted of those participating in the year long Quilt in a Box challenge showing and distributing the blocks they made for the others.

Rachel Wessels had several items for show and share.

Following a gift exchange, the December meeting was adjourned.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Minutes from November 12, 2012

The November 12 meeting was called to order by Vice President, Debbie Powell at 6:30.    

October minutes were read and approved.

The guild treasury contains $1613.48 as reported by Karen Hanny, treasurer. 

November birthdays were celebrated by Velvet Boyd, Lynne Paticky, Debbie Powell, Thearcia Burroughs, Kathy Soloman, and Helen Harris.

Old Business –
Clarice O’Neil shared that $531 was donated to American Heart Association in Kathy Stinson’s name.  The money was raised in a raffle of two quilts started by Kathy and finished by Clarice.

The nominating committee reported they had a secretary, Kathy Faucette, and a treasurer, Belinda Leach, for the 2013-2014 term.  They are still looking for a president and vice president

The Christmas committee had not met at the time of the November meeting.  Those members in attendance decided the guild would have a gift exchange of a $5 gift bagged or wrapped.  Members whose last name started with A-L would bring a dessert and members whose last names started with M-Z would bring appetizers.    Faith Smith volunteered to pick up chicken strips.  The Christmas committee would be responsible for drinks and serving items.   

The Quilt in a Box Challenge will conclude at the December meeting with participants displaying the blocks they made then returning the blocks to each other.

New Business –
Kathy Soloman handed out the pattern chosen by Sue Perozek for her challenge block to those members willing to complete the blocks Sue could not.

Members were asked to think about  ideas on how to spend our money, challenge, programs and workshop for the upcoming year.

A motion was made and passed to give Amanda Gardner $25 for teaching the Twisted Sister workshop.

A motion was made and passed to donate $50 to the Presbyterian Church Soup Kitchen for allowing us to use their annex for the November meeting.

Program –
The evening’s program was a fashion show of quilted items made and worn by our members.  Those participating were Belinda Alston, Faith Smith, Helen Harris, Stevie Scaramelli, and Kaye Pegram.

Show and Tell items were presented by Betty Stanton, Faith Smith, Linda Overton, Kaye Pegram, Donna Compton, Jane Reeder, Velvet Boyd, Belinda Alston, and Stevie Scaramelli.

The drawing for Hampton Roads trip was held.  The first name drawn was Betty Jo Pernell.  Runners up were Rachel Wessels and Phyllis Murphy.

The November meeting was adjourned at 7:30.